The Process of Obtaining a Spousal Visa

Visa application form to travel Immigration a document Money for Passport Map and travel plan

It’s unfortunate to say that there have been cases where married couples can’t live with each other. In most situations, men will travel to the United States looking for work and more supportive opportunities, in which women will stay in the home country to watch the children and family. Sometimes, it’s the other way around, but either way, married couples are meant to be and reside with each other. Lawyers are here to guide you through gaining a spousal visa to reunite you with your partner. We can illustrate what applying for a spousal visa looks like and what it requires on your behalf. 

Only the Beginning

Before one can even file for a visa application, persistent individuals must submit the Form-130. This form is also known as Petition for Alien Relative. Once this form is completed, it has to be sent to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to be processed.

Dire Approval

Once the Form-130 is submitted and approved, a visa application can then be filed. A visa interview is usually required, and one must be up to date with vaccinations and medical examinations. 

Ultimate Step 

The final approval often comes in the form of a conditional residency that will call for the additional process of applying for a longer visa term. This is the most important step as immigration services will offer the opportunity of full naturalization of becoming a United States citizen.

Dedicated Attorney at Your Service

We already know what you’re thinking. The process of applying for U.S. citizenship is heavy with tasks you have to complete on your own time. This process can be made more smooth-sailing with a lawyer by your side. Call Cynthia R. Lopez, P.C. to get represented today!